Wax Melt Collections
Did you know that scent is the first thing you notice when you enter a room? So how you're home is perceived is decided within the first few seconds of someone visiting. Some people want their home to be welcoming, warm and cosy whilst others want that "just cleaned" feel. We work hard to create cohesive collections of fragrances that work well together to achieve the atmosphere you are looking for without getting boring and samey. We have created new wax melt collection packs that are tailor made to a scent type and give 8 different scents that co-ordinate with each other but that aren't the same. This way your nose does not get too used to the same fragrance and your home is still able to achieve the aura you are looking for.
For a warm and cosy feel check out our cosy cuddles collection:
If your looking for a crisp, clean feel try the comforting lenora collection:
For feminine romantic vibes try the perfume collection or if you just want fun and frivolous check out the fizzy favs.
We have something for everyone and if you don't see it, let us know as we'd love the challenge of trying to create it.